It's simple, Simon, have your people contact my people at and let's have a beer together. Invite Ellen and Bruno Heller along. Ellen's looking to produce for 11:11. Simon says he's "just winging it." Then fate is in the "Dragon Star." As Fate would have it, a homeless man also played a pivotal role in "Dragon Star":
"Dragon STAR (2014) Logline: Code-cracker tracks a serial killer who returns after seven years to terrorize his hometown. Tagline: You can go Holmes again. DRAGON_STAR_-_Final[1] (after Simon's finished with "The Mentalist, "DS" would make that Tasmanian Devil a movie star. ) He's born for the role:
"Imagine having Simon's hair, those eyes, that smile, and that calm, confident tone as you explain everyone around you to themselves. Armed with such gifts, I’d be tempted to lead a small nation to war. I bet it’s tough to resist the urge to use your supernatural good looks and otherworldly charm for evil instead of good." SALON
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